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Recruitments Retail Distribution Logistics

Recruitments Retail Distribution Logistics

Recruitments Retail Distribution Logistics

Retail and Distribution

Recruitments Retail Distribution Logistics. The retail market in Poland is currently dominated by large, mostly foreign, retail chains. Discount stores, hypermarkets, and supermarket chains hold a dominant position in the market. For many years, the traditional channel has been losing market share, whereas the modern channel has been developing uninterruptedly, systematically increasing market share and opening new locations. Stores operating as franchises have an important position in the market.
Small-format stores, operating independently in the market, are in the majority facing further marginalization and slow liquidation. The chance for the survival of small-format stores and their competition with large retail chains at the current stage of retail market development are franchise systems or buying groups.

In the modern channel, foreign retailers dominate, with Polish retail chains in a weaker position.

The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the growing appeal of e-commerce. More than 80% of customers are already buying online, and this trend is on the rise. The market is witnessing an exponential increase in online stores, with a simultaneous increase in customers from older age groups (+55) who have so far effectively omitted online shopping. The wave of new online customers has forced e-commerce to modify payment methods toward simpler forms that are understandable to older customers.

Luxury goods

Of course, as in every business, we have exceptions. The Polish consumer market is very interested in luxury brands, which initially entered Poland with cosmetics and online shops, slowly opening stationary locations with fashion ranges and not only as Multibrand shops but as Brand Stores. The best example is the Hermes brand’s opening of its first Stationary Store in Poland in December 2019.

Logistics. Big data, IoT and artificial intelligence

Logistics is undergoing a significant transformation at the current time. “Economic instability caused by disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, shortages of raw materials and components, labour shortages, port shutdowns, rising fuel costs and other factors are putting tremendous pressure on global supply chains. The situation inspires logistics teams to improve operations and optimize processes, thereby reducing costs. The development of big data, IoT and artificial intelligence will increase the demand for specialists. Despite robotization and the gradual introduction of autonomous vehicles, humans are still essential in logistics. However, the requirements for candidates are increasing, and knowledge of the latest technologies has become increasingly important.”


The transportation market in recent years has been facing new and increasingly rapid challenges. First, the COVID- 19 pandemic, then the mobility package introduced, the effects of which companies are still feeling today. Finally, the war in Ukraine, which has slowed down shipments to and from Ukraine, significantly reduced the number of Ukrainian drivers and introduced increasing requirements related to driver and cargo safety. Overnight, raw material supply routes and the ability to transport goods were overturned. Companies, in a flash, had to revise contracts and the logistical network of routes being carried out. This caused the necessary modification of the qualifications of the people employed and the search for new competencies that affect the range of services provided.

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