Recruitments Media Advertisement Entertainment - Sectors - NAJINTERNATIONAL Executive Search | Recruitments | HR Advisory

Recruitments Media Advertisement Entertainment

Recruitments Media Advertisement Entertainment

Recruitment Media Advertisement Entertainment

Recruitment Media Advertisement Entertainment. The past few years have seen a very rapid development of new technologies. This has a huge impact on the ever-changing media.

“Digital transformation and its associated consequences do not bypass the media and entertainment industry. This is especially true of the changing needs and habits of consumers. A new generation, the so-called digital natives, accustomed to using digital technologies from the beginning, is having an increasing impact on the sector. For incumbent players, this means the need to change current business models or even create completely new ones.” Adam Krasoń, CEO, PwC Poland

Advertising activity based on digital formats is outgrowing the role of traditional marketing.

Three main arguments – measurability, targeting and cost – speak for the use of digital marketing. Modern strategy is based on interacting with customers and guiding them through the so-called marketing funnel. That’s why it’s important, among other things, to acquire leads, build social media reach and also links to the content you create.

As Thomas Jefferson said: “To stop advertising to save money is like breaking a clock to stop time.”

Marketing is the content of business and effective digital marketing is a multi-faceted effort. Whether it’s using a website, social media, text messaging or completely different online sources. Digital marketing is an invaluable way to promote a company, service or product.

Technological changes are causing a steady increase in the share of online advertising and a decline in ATL (traditional media) advertising spending. Other market segments are more or less maintaining their advertising market shares.

The Internet is present in every major media entity, either as a source of content acquisition or as one of the sources of revenue generation. We have an increasing number of recruitment assignments related to this particular field. The majority of all recruiting is carried out CONFIDENTIALLY, due to the airtightness and intermingling of environments.

More and more attention is being paid in the media not only to “substantive suitability” but to “soft” fit – personality, community. There is great interest in projects around recruitment – assessments, individual assessments, coaching. We are seen as an expert in Executive Search in the Media & Entertainment sector.

Media Recruitment. We develop customized solutions to find the right combination of skills required to meet these challenges. We have successfully filled positions in all sectors of media and entertainment, from publishing, broadcasting and cable television to production – film and music, marketing, journalism in social media such as online media and e-commerce.

Our many years of experience working with companies in this industry guarantees our clients not only well-conducted recruitment, but more importantly, the ability to provide strategic advice.

NAJ International has a good understanding of the situation of individual entities, the candidate market, and consequently a rich network of industry contacts. We constantly monitor the market, observe trends by talking to representatives of television, radio, press and multimedia publishers, media houses, advertising agencies, brokers selling standard and non-standard forms of advertising.

Recruitment for Media. Selected testimonials, completed projects. Press Link.

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