Executive Recruitment in Poland's Wind Energy Sector

Executive Recruitment in Wind Energy Sector in Poland: Challenges and Opportunities

Executive Recruitment in Wind Energy Sector in Poland: Challenges and Opportunities

Executive Recruitment in Poland’s Wind Energy Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

Poland’s commitment to renewable energy, particularly wind energy, is experiencing dynamic growth. This sector, driven by governmental support and international collaborations, necessitates skilled executives to handle technological advancements, regulatory changes, and complex market dynamics. Based on our experience in recruitment projects for Wind Energy seactor this article details the diverse stakeholders involved, outlines the challenges in recruiting top executive talent, highlights future sector developments, and emphasizes advancements in both offshore and onshore wind farms.

Stakeholder Structure in Poland’s Wind Energy Sector

A diverse array of stakeholders from various sectors plays a pivotal role in the development and sustainability of wind energy in Poland:

1. Government and Regulatory Bodies:
  • Ministry of Climate and Environment: Responsible for national environmental policy and climate actions, focusing on integrating environmental priorities into national energy plans
  • Energy Regulatory Office: Regulates the energy market, including tariff approvals and monitoring market conduct to ensure fair competition and reliable supply
  • Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy: Manages EU structural funds, important for financing renewable energy projects
  • Ministry of State Assets: Controls state-owned enterprises in the energy sector, influencing strategic energy investments and policies.

2. Energy Producers:

  • PGE (Polska Grupa Energetyczna): Poland’s largest energy sector company, heavily investing in renewable energy sources including wind power to transition from coal.
  • Energa: Part of the Orlen Group, active in electricity generation including wind energy, known for sustainable energy solutions.
  • EDP Renewables: A global leader in the renewable energy sector, operating several wind farms in Poland with a focus on sustainable energy production.
  • RWE Renewables: German-based, one of the largest renewable energy companies worldwide, developing and operating wind power projects across Poland.
  • Orlen: Traditionally a petroleum-based company, now expanding into renewable energies as part of its diversification strategy.
3. Investors and Financial Institutions:
  • PKO Bank Polski: The largest commercial bank in Poland, providing substantial funding for renewable energy projects.
  • Santander Bank Polska: Offers financial services for corporate and retail customers, with a strong commitment to financing green energy projects.
  • European Investment Bank (EIB): The lending arm of the European Union, major financier of infrastructure projects, including renewable energy in Poland.
  • ING Group: Global bank with a significant presence in Poland, focusing on financing projects that support sustainable development.
  • Bank Pekao: Provides comprehensive banking services, actively involved in financing major renewable energy projects in Poland.
4. Technology Providers:
  • Vestas: Danish company, the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer, providing turbines and solutions to the Polish market.
  • Siemens Gamesa: Spanish-German multinational, one of the global leaders in the wind power industry, offers both turbine technology and maintenance services.
  • GE Renewable Energy: Part of General Electric, specializes in providing advanced wind turbines for high efficiency and reliability.
  • Nordex Group: German company that designs, sells, and manufactures wind turbines, a significant player in the Polish wind market.
  • Suzlon: Indian multinational, engages in the production and maintenance of wind turbine generators, known for its innovative and cost-effective solutions.
5. Service Companies:
  • Vestas Service: Provides comprehensive service and maintenance for wind turbines to ensure optimal performance and durability.
  • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Services: Offers maintenance, repairs, and upgrades for wind turbines, enhancing their efficiency and lifespan.
  • Enercon Service Poland: Delivers reliable maintenance and technical services for Enercon wind turbines across Poland.
  • Nordex Energy Services: Specializes in optimizing the performance of Nordex wind turbines through proactive servicing and maintenance.
  • FlexWind (Denmark): Known for their cutting-edge service solutions in wind turbine maintenance, particularly in enhancing operational efficiency and reliability.
6. Community and Environmental Groups:
  • Greenpeace Poland: International environmental NGO, active in advocating for Poland’s transition to renewable energy sources.
  • WWF Poland: Part of the global network, focuses on environmental conservation including sustainable management of natural resources.
  • ClientEarth Prawnicy dla Ziemi: Environmental law charity using legal means to ensure environmentally sustainable practices in energy.
  • Polish Green Network: Coalition of environmental organizations promoting green energy and sustainable development in Poland.
  • Foundation for Sustainable Energy (FNEZ): Works on promoting sustainable energy development, balancing economic, environmental, and social factors.
7. Research Institutions and Think Tanks:
  • Warsaw Institute of Renewable Energy: Engages in research and provides expertise on renewable energy technologies and policies.
  • AGH University of Science and Technology: Known for its strong research in energy sciences, contributing to advancements in renewable energy.
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology: Focuses on research in innovative energy solutions, including wind energy.
  • Polish Academy of Sciences: Engages in extensive research in sustainable energy and environmental sciences.
  • Institute for Renewable Energy Economics: Conducts studies and provides analysis on economic aspects of renewable energy technologies and policies in Poland.

 Future Trends in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms in Poland

Onshore Wind Farms – Expansion and Modernization: Expect continuous expansion and modernization, including upgrading older turbines with newer, more efficient models.

Offshore Wind Farms – Rapid Growth: Significant investments are anticipated in offshore wind energy, particularly in the Baltic Sea, supported by favorable government policies and technological advances.

Challenges in Executive Search

Recruiting top talent in the wind energy sector (especially for institutions listed in points 2-5) in Poland faces obstacles:

  • Competences Gap: The wind energy sector is facing a significant skill gap, as the available workforce lacks the experience and expertise required by the industry. To address this issue, companies are actively seeking individuals from international manufacturing organizations who have experience working with highly self-confident employees, particularly those from heavy industries.
  • Competition for Talent: The renewable energy sector is facing intense global competition to attract experienced professionals. This has led to candidates receiving multiple job offers from different markets and having the opportunity to work on international projects without any barriers. However, the industry is struggling not only with the challenge of increasing salary offers to the best and most sought-after specialists, but also with a shortage of qualified experts.
  • Regulatory Complexity: In Poland, it is important to have managers who can effectively deal with the complicated regulatory landscape. These managers should be able to suggest solutions that make it possible to hire the most skilled individuals in an appealing way while also adhering to the intricate safety standards of the industry.
  • Cultural Fit: Leaders in the wind energy sector must understand and align with both the corporate and local cultures. The operational teams in this field comprise of individuals from diverse cultures and nationalities. Thus, managerial skills and a manager’s openness to employees from other cultures are essential to succeed in this sector. These skills will only grow in importance as the wind energy industry continues to expand globally.
  • Management during Transition: Managers need to efficiently handle the swift growth of their industry and adeptly expand their organizations. This necessitates possessing analytical thinking skills, managing multiple projects simultaneously, being able to allocate material and human resources rationally, and being able to navigate complex logistical processes.

Perspectives for the Next Three Years

Anticipated sector growth is driven by:

  • Increased Investment: A surge in both EU and private investment is expected.
  • Technological Advancements: Innovations will continue to redefine the competitive landscape.
  • Regulatory Support: Supportive government policies will likely propel the sector forward.
  • Corporate Sustainability Goals: Increased corporate commitments to renewable energy will fuel demand.
  • Community Engagement: Greater emphasis on community integration will shape project developments.


The future of Poland’s wind energy sector is marked by robust growth and significant opportunities. For executive search firms like NAJ International with recruitment specialistaion in Energy Sector, the challenge is to secure leaders who are technically skilled and strategically adept, capable of steering the industry forward amidst a complex and multicultural landscape. The sector’s dynamic nature, underscored by the presence of major players such as PGE, Vestas, and Siemens Gamesa, Flex Wind necessitates a strategic approach to leadership recruitment. This will be essential to sustain Poland’s momentum towards becoming a leader in European renewable energy.

Ewa Adamczyk

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